Smart Wrist Good. Smart Home Bad.

Or so it appears if you look at where the funding’s going.  This week Jawbone, maker of the Bluetooth headset and more recently of the UP wristband, managed to raise $93 million in debt financing based on sales of its new products, with the rumour of a further $20 million in VC funding to come.  It’s not alone.  Earlier this year Fitbit, founded on clip-on devices, but now another player in wrist real estate had VCs falling over themselves to give it an additional $43 million.

In contrast, the smart home market has begun to look decidedly unexciting.  After the Nest love-in, which raised them $80 million at the start of the year, their German rival tado only managed a measly $2.6 million from its previous investors.  I’d always tended to discount the Nest fundraise, not because of the product, but because of their heritage.  Ex-Apple staffed start-ups in California with slick products seem to get VCs wetting themselves in much the same way as followers of the cult of Apple do at the launch of a new iPhone.

If you take a look at the media coverage, it’s also pretty obvious where everyone considers the action to be.  It not what we live in – it’s what we wear on our wrist.  Investing in Smart Home looks rather dumb.

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